Woman's Drumming Circle
Woman's Drumming Circle

This monthly offering is a beautiful opportunity to gather with like minded women, bringing in and working with the power of the drum. You will be given sacred space to learn how to connect with the drum, in a ancient timeless & primal practice.

Each time we meet you will be taken on a shamanic drum journey, having the space to connect with your spiritual gatekeepers for invaluable guidance. You will learn how to use shamanic journeying, becoming competent & confident in this ancient practice.

We will drum together in a sacred circle with intention, bringing in high vibrations, singing & dancing, celebrating each other and our own individual journeys.  There will be a sharing circle and time to journal with oracle cards & ceremonial cacao.

There will be drums provided, or to purchase or bring your own drum to deepen your connection.

During the Summer months we will take our circle to a secret beach location, transport included  - limited spaces 

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