Full Beaver Moon in Taurus and Partial Luna Eclipse

The phase of the Full Moon is the most powerful of the cycle, and therefore the most conducive to addressing major issues or challenges you may be facing.
Focus your spells and rituals on things that are of the utmost importance to your life.
Also, this time is great for magic and meditations revolving around psychic development, spirituality, and divination.
This day is inextricably linked to the previous New Moon, which convinced us of the need for internal and external transformation.
The Full Moon will show us why we need it.
The period is characterized by a decline in inner tension, redistribution of energy, and turn toward the material side of life.
Today it is important to comprehend what fills us with energy and where this energy goes.
Watch your feelings carefully as the Moon suggests you reconsider your approach to those matters that give rise to stubbornness and excessive insistence.
The Moon’s passage through Taurus is characterized by an increased desire to patronize and care.
Today is a favourable day for reconciliation, as many people will be willing to listen to each other.
As we communicate, we will also feel the need to tell the truth to those we love – and we need to be careful with this desire.
Think about every word you say.
Regarding our activities, it would be better to spend the day doing what we like.
Today we will be able to add creativity and art into our everyday life, to be inspired for a long time. Rest and sensual pleasures should be given sufficient time.
The day is favourable for rituals ridding us of the superfluous.
For this, you should list on a sheet of paper obstacles to your happiness.
Say goodbye to what you have written in your mind and burn the paper without regrets.
Scatter the ashes in the wind while watching the Full Moon.
The perfect stone to assist you at this time is Brecciated Jasper.