Self Love

On the eve of not only the last full moon of the year, but the last one of a decade its time you gave back to you. The full moon has always been the best time to let go of what no longer serves you, but this full moon has a more poignant energy.

All too often, we don’t realise the importance of self-care, love and forgiveness until it’s too late and we are ill from stress and fatigue. When things have gone this far it’s hard to pull it back, without a complete breakdown where our bodies force us to stop from sheer physical and emotional exhaustion. 

I can speak from experience on this level, as I’m without doubt that I’m not the only one. Amongst all the beautiful emotional performances of our loved ones, pretty Christmas lights, naughty elves and merry making we forget, even more then usual to give ourselves some self-love. 

 This full moon it’s time to let go of everything that you do not want bring with you into this new decade. Treat the experiences the universe has given you with gratitude and like the last leaf falling from a tree, let go.   

This full moon also has strong healing energy, it’s time to take care of yourself. We are the creators of magic this time of year. It’s time to open your hearts and receive some magic back from the universe. Recharge yourself so you can be the best you can be. 

Now, doesn’t that sound blissful! 

This can come in many forms such spending time with loved ones, being creative, spending time grounding yourself in nature but I would like to share with you my little acts of kindness I give to myself especially now basking under the power of this beautiful Full moon. 

Himalayan bath salts.

This beautiful ritual I have created for myself comprises of a Himalayan salt bath, once I have finished what I can do for the day with Beautiful Boho and before I move onto the next set of tasks which is expected of me. 

Himalayan salt is mined at the foot hills of the Himalayas in a salt deposit which was created by ancient oceans 250 million years ago. These salt beads are free from any modern day pollutants as they have been buried by lava, ice and snow for millions of years. The salt is a beautiful pink colour due to the amount of pure minerals that is found in it.

Bathing in this gift from the earth is so beneficial for your health, it gives your body a detoxifying boost as it soaks ups these magic minerals. 


Forgive DoTERRA Renewing Blend.

We are our own worst critic and especially so this time of year, sometimes we simply cannot do it all! I have created this beautiful blend of forgive & rose quartz chips essential oil, I keep this with me at all times and give myself and the lava bead on my Rose Quartz Simply Crystal Aroma Healing Bracelet a big dose when I feel I am becoming self-critical.  


Rose Quartz Simply Crystal Aroma Healing Bracelet.

This little beauty is my staple attire right now, as I have said I whip out my Forgive & Rose quartz blend and smother the lava bead and I can always feel the loving healing power of the rose quartz and along with the calming scent of forgive this is a truly powerful piece. As always remember to cleanse your crystals and get them out into this powerful moonlight!! Especially your rose quartz. 

Rose Quartz Healing Stone.

Whilst I am never without my healing jewellery for that extra boost I have made a little pocket in my bra where I keep my crystals, close to my heart. The vibrations of rose quartz are so important to me but even more so this time of year.   

I hope you have found this useful and I really hope you are able to adopt some of these rituals into your life right now. You are able to purchase all these beautiful pieces together as one in my Self - Love Collection and as a special gift I would like to give you 20% off. Simply use the code ‘SELFLOVE’ at the checkout to receive your discount.

Peace, love & blessings,

Laura xxx