Strawberry Supermoon in Sagittarius 

The strawberry moon allows room for luck, love, and prosperity, making it the perfect time to manifest your greatest desires.
A full moon is the perfect time for reflection and releasing and letting go of the things that are not serving your highest good, anything that is draining you of energy with no energy transfer in return.
By doing this allows space for what is meant for you to be filled with soul nourishment, which is aligned to your truth.

Therefore, it is a great time for journal or penning a letter to the universe.
Scripting is writing as if it's already yours.
By writing as if you already have something, it helps with your manifestation.

A super full moon will shine an even brighter light on the things that you need to release.
You may find you are confronted with your shadows at this time, allow the dark to come, observe it, love it as this is the universe showing you what you need to do in the next step of your life journey.
It's not surprising that "love" is also a central spiritual meaning of the strawberry moon.
The strawberry moon is also called the honey moon because June is the traditional month for marriages, and the month is even named after Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage. With that in mind, the strawberry moon might also be a period of reflection on past, present, or future romantic relationships.

What Does the Strawberry Moon Mean For Zodiac Signs?
• Capricorn: The strawberry moon offers the perfect opportunity to give yourself a pat on the back. Stop giving into imposter syndrome and know that you are worthy of everything that you want and more. Stop allowing self-doubt to overtake you and change the daily narrative that you tell yourself.
• Aquarius: Try exploring your creative side this month, as it will help you with manifesting your goals. Creative ideas will flow to you naturally. This is a good time to keep a dream journal and pay attention to your inner dialogue. It's time to manifest your dreams into reality.
• Pisces: Pisces should spend time near water and recharge themselves. Allow yourself to take a break and really work on creating a morning and night routine that resonates with your body. This is also a good time to set your intentions and allow yourself to daydream.
• Aries: Now is the time for rebirth and reorganisation. If you feel like your ideas are always all over the place, take some time to come up with a plan that is realistic. Create habits that you can stick with and don't feel overwhelmed by. Allow yourself to get out of your own head and live more in reality.
• Taurus: The strawberry moon is a wakeup sign for Taurus to stop procrastinating. Your manifestations are closer than you think. It's time to take that first leap and just go for it. This is also a good time to transform how you look at failure. You can truly never succeed if you never try. Go for it!
• Gemini: It's time to consult your own feelings rather than logic. For far too long, you have been only listening to your brain, but it's time to really follow your passion. Stop ignoring your intuition and trust yourself. You know what's best for you, and it's time that you allow your confidence to shine.
• Cancer: focus on nurturing yourself during the strawberry moon. You are always giving to others, and it's time to give back to yourself. Plan some time to take yourself on a self-care date and really focus on what you want. Focus on how to give yourself the love that you deserve.
• Leo: You shouldn't hold yourself back this month, especially when it comes to your achievements and confidence. You can still uplift others while uplifting yourself. It's important to put your energy into people that put their energy back into you.
• Virgo: Virgos need to start detoxing the negativity they hold toward themselves this month. Start adding positive affirmations to your day, and start shifting your mindset. Know that you are not your negative thoughts and that they don't define you.
• Libra: For Libras, the strawberry moon will allow an opportunity for intense self-care. You do not have to do what everyone wants. Focus on what you desire, and watch that manifest. The more you align with the person you want to be, more opportunities will follow.
• Scorpio: Scorpios, get ready to bring down your walls during the strawberry moon. We know how hard it is for you to share your emotions, but it's OK to not be OK. Reach out for help when needed, and allow yourself to be vulnerable. This is a good time to journal and have a place to let out all of your negative emotions.
• Sagittarius: If you've been planning a trip around this time, definitely stick to it. This is a good time to take a trip or plan your next staycation. Switching your location can aid in shifting your mindset.

Enjoy this special energic time, follow your rituals, take time for self-care, observe the peak & waning of energies as this loving strawberry Super Moon travels through our skies.