Amazing Copper
The Benefits:
Eases joint stiffness & joint pain
Perfect mineral absorption
Heightens the healing properties of crystals
Healthier immune System
Copper is one of the basic chemical elements. In its nearly pure state, copper is a reddish-orange metal which is known not only for its high thermal and electrical conductivity, this amazing element conducts energy on all levels when used with crystals it intensifies, enhances and channels their properties.
Copper was first used as early as 10,000 years ago. A copper pendant from about 8700 B.C. was found in what is now northern Iraq.
Copper & Moonstone Healing Anklet
Most of the copper used before 4000 B.C. came from the random discovery of isolated outcroppings of native copper or from meteorites that had impacted Earth.
Copper & Amethyst Healing Anklet
In about 3000 B.C. , large deposits of copper ore were found on the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea. When the Romans conquered Cyprus, they gave the metal the Latin name aes cyprium, which was often shortened to cyprium. Later this was corrupted to cuprum, from which the English word copper and the chemical symbol Cu are derived.
Copper & Clear Quartz Healing Bracelet
In South America, copper objects were being produced along the northern coast of Peru as early as 500 B.C. , and the development of copper metallurgy was well advanced by the time the Inca empire fell to the conquering Spanish soldiers in the 1500s.
Copper & Moonstone Healing Bracelet
A pure copper bracelet has for long been considered to have invisible properties that ease inflammation and pain. Unless there is no allergy to the metal, wearing a pure copper bracelet or ring can work wonders to the energy levels and immunity of the body.
Tigers eye & Copper healing Anklet
Copper is also used to assist the body with repairing tissues, oxygenating blood, easing arthritis, increases cardiovascular health, Healthier immune system & Anti-aging all of which will increase vitality.